Silver Creek, Township

Township Blight

Blight Officer

Ryan Shields

Please call for appointment.


Phone: 269-424-3025 x9

What is Blight?

What is blight? In general terms, it is trash, yard waste or garbage. It can include vacant lots, abandoned buildings, houses in derelict or dangerous shape; overgrown lawns; high weeds/grasses (non-agriculture), uncontrolled plant growth; uncollected litter, abandoned, vandalized cars or improper vehicle storage; rodent infestations, environmental contamination and other signs of neglect.
Click here to see our ordinance.

You can submit a blight complaint in any of the following ways:

  • Call 269-424-3025 x9
  • Email
  • Download the Blight Complaint form to print (then drop off or email)
  • Complete the complaint form below

Tickets or Citations are paid at the 4th District Court (Cassopolis) – call 269-445-4424 option 1.
Cleaning up blight is not an easy or quick process as property owners have rights to due process.