What is blight? In general terms, it is trash, yard waste or garbage. It can include vacant lots, abandoned buildings, houses in derelict or dangerous shape; overgrown lawns; high weeds/grasses (non-agriculture), uncontrolled plant growth; uncollected litter, abandoned, vandalized cars or improper vehicle storage; rodent infestations, environmental contamination and other signs of neglect. Click here to see our ordinance. You can submit a blight complaint in any of the following ways:
Call 269-424-3025 x9
Email scblight@sisterlakescable.com
Download the Blight Complaint form to print (then drop off or email)
Complete the complaint form below
Tickets or Citations are paid at the 4th District Court (Cassopolis) – call 269-445-4424 option 1.
Cleaning up blight is not an easy or quick process as property owners have rights to due process.