Silver Creek, Township

Clerk/Election Information


Jessica Honn

The Clerk or Deputy is available:

Tue: 9am – 3pm
Thurs: 9am – 3pm

Office: (269) 424-3025×4

Email is the preferred and fastest way to contact the Clerk. 

To run for Township Elected Official position:

Click here for filing information from SOS.
(if you are running for county office, please contact the county clerk’s office.)

If you are running for a township office, you will need 3 forms:

1- Click this link for the Statement of Organization – this must be sent to county clerk at:
Cass County Clerk, 120 N. Broadway suite 123, Cassopolis Mi  49031.

​2- Click this link for the Affidavit of Identity – this must be notarized. The Clerk also serves as a Notary- please call for appointment if needed. Do not sign until in the presence of a Notary.

3- A petition with a minimum of 3 valid signatures;   please print & sign all info legibly. Petitions are available from the township clerk; you can pick it up in person or call/email and we will mail one to you. ​

Thank you for participating in your local government!

Local Election Updates

AV ballots – Sorry but you can not pick up a ballot for a spouse or family. We have to mail it or they have to come to the township so we can hand it to them. (And we have to ask for their photo ID and have them sign a form.)

It is a felony to sign an application for someone else to request a ballot. Making a false statement on an AV application is a misdemeanor.
(MCL 168.759 section 8)

You can mail them back, put them in our heavy duty drop box 24/7 in the breezeway. You can also turn them in to us during our office hours but we are required to see your ID. 

If you plan to vote in person, please note:
“If it’s on the ballot, You can’t wear it!”
This applies to both candidates and offices on the ballot.

If you wish to vote AV (Absentee Voter), you must sign an AV application and return it. We check the signature to make sure it matches what is provided by the SOS.

You may sign an AV application online at:
Michigan Online Absent Voter Ballot Application (

You may also come in person during our regular office hours, bring your ID and sign an AV application. It may take 5 minutes or so while we log in receipt of your application and assign a numbered ballot. 

Early Voting

Early Voting for Silver Creek Township for 2024 will be held at:Cass County Road Commission Building, 340 N O’Keefe Street, Cassopolis MI 49031 from 8AM-4PM beginning the second Saturday before an election and ending the Sunday before the election

AV Ballot - By Mail or Picking It Up In Person - You Still Need to Complete an AV Application

  • We need a signed application from you before we can issue a ballot.
  • Be sure to check the correct boxes at the top, sign/date and include your phone number in case we need to contact you.
  • If you mail in your application, we will mail you a ballot as soon as we have them.
  • If you want want to pick up your ballot in person, we will ask for your id. You will receive your ballot in a sealed envelope. Be sure to sign the outer envelope!
  • All ballots can be returned mail or put in our election drop box.

Want an appointment?

If you want an appointment to register or pick up an application or ballot, please give us a call at 269-424-3025 x4. or send us an email.

Last day to receive an AV ballot by mail

We must receive your signed request
before 5pm on the Friday before the election in order to mail you an av ballot.

*Voters with disabilities can locate the accessible application to vote absentee at:

Election Information

For military or overseas:
Federal Post Card Application

  View your sample ballot
  Track your Absentee Ballot
  Find out of if you are registered to vote
  Find your voting location
  Voter registration for college, etc.

Election Day Questions

What ID Should I Bring?

Voters are supposed to bring a picture identification with them. The most common source is your Driver’s License or State ID card.  The following forms of picture identification may also be used as long as they are current:

  • Federal or state government-issued photo identification (driver’s license or state identification card from any state).
  • U.S. passport
  • Military id card with photo
  • Student id card with photo from high school or an accredited institution of higher education
  • Tribal id card with photo.

Voters who do not bring picture identification to the polls or do not possess picture identification may vote after signing an affidavit of voter not in possession of any form of identification.

Are selfies allowed?

Voters are allowed to take a photograph of only your own ballot and only while you are within the voting booth!
You may not:

  • Take a selfie of yourself, either in the voting booth or anywhere within the area where people are voting.
  • Take any other type of photograph within the area where people are voting.
  • Share images of a voted ballot within 100 feet from the polling place – this is a buffer zone where electioneering is prohibited.