Silver Creek, Township


Indian Lake Government Board

Indian Lake Board Members


Jeff VanBelle
(Cass Co Drain Comm.)


Jim Rubino
(Pokagon Twp Rep)


Ryan Laylin
(Cass Co Comm.)

Silver Creek Rep

Mick Braman

Lake Rep

Angelo Ippolito

Government Lake Board

SAD’s can formed for many purposes: roads, lights, etc. But lakes are alive and so only lakes can have a Government Lake Board. Government Lake Boards (NR-EPA Public Act 451) are great!
They offer a lake association member (riparian landowner) a seat a the table and a vote! The other board members have expertise in local water management (ie: drain commissioner) and this board dedicated solely to the health and treatment of your lake! Every meeting is about your lake, it’s needs and services.

Lake boards do not replace the need or role of the lake association, it replaces the township board with members that have more expertise and a singular focus, your lake! GLB meetings are efficient and open to everyone!
Most GLB members are not paid to attend meetings, but they can be. The GLB should retain an attorney to stay current with legal requirements, guidelines and deadlines

Other Information

Overall Trends in the Efficacy of Inversion Oxygenation Aeration and Bioaugmentation as a Treatment for Aquatic Vegetation Growth, Organic Matter Accumulation, Nuisance Algae, and Water Quality in the North Basin of Indian Lake, Cass County, Michigan 2012-2018 – Click here to view.

MSDS Information

Main Drain

