Silver Creek, Township

Zoning Department

Zoning Administrator

Mark Davis

Phone: 269-414-3159

Mon: 10am – 12pm
Wed: 9am – 12pm

Zoning Compliance Information

Zoning administration and enforcement is hard work. In Silver Creek, our zoning administrator is Mark Davis. He coordinates with our building official, and code enforcement officer to succeed in the enforcement of our local ordinances. 

The Zoning Administrator participates in the planning commission process of developing ordinance change proposals, following the timetable and work plan of the planning commission. They must research statutes and statute changes for inconsistencies with the Silver Creek Township Zoning Ordinance and with potential ordinance changes being considered by the planning commission. Submit recommendations for ordinance changes to ensure conformity, consistency, and lack of redundancy with statute. They review the overall master document of proposed ordinance changes together with the current ordinance and recommend language to correct internal inconsistencies and ambiguities. 

He attends the Planning Commission meetings and advises on current ordinances and makes suggestions for modifications or clarifications to our ordinances. He also issues Zoning permits which is the first step to any kind of building within the township.